Welcome to KenGen Foundation

As a responsible corporate citizen, KenGen is committed to expanding and up scaling its Corporate Social Investments (CSI) countrywide, mainly focusing on communities living around its power stations. This is under the Company’s sustainability strategy, which aims at adding value to livelihoods of communities by establishing long-term relationships and implementing sustainable projects.

The KenGen Foundation focuses the Company’s efforts on two key pillars of sustainability namely Education and Environment. These compliment Kenya’s Vision 2030 and the global Sustainable Development Goals

Mission: Dedicated to Conserving Nature for Sustainable Livelihoods

Vision: Transform Eastern Africa Communities through Sustainable Environmental Programs

Our values


  • In a powerful demonstration of collective action in environmental conservationt the KenGen Foundation led a tree-planting initiative in the heart of Ngong Forest, Upper Matasia on 27 October marking a significant step toward safeguarding the environment and combating climate change. The event brought together the KenGen Foundation and members of the KenGen Employee Giver Initiative, […]

  • KenGen Foundation, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the County Government of Narok County to restore 50 hectares of Enoosupukia Forest that forms parts of the Mau Catchment. Enoosupukia Forest is an integral part of our operations as it is the source of groundwater used in our Olkaria Geothermal operations as well as […]

  • Adolescents in Kenya, like the rest of the world, are growing up amidst a set of problems of historically unmatched scope and severity in this new era. They have to deal with interrelated issues of economic developments, poverty, crime, violence , drug abuse , early pregnancies among many others.

    Acknowledging this grim reality, KenGen Foundation in partnership with The Wellbeing Institute are implementing a youth development programme called Jitunze Ujituze (JUT) , which translates to “Tend to yourself, Crown yourself”. The main goal is to promote positive life outcomes in Kenyan children and adolescents in the society by focusing on their strengths and the assets of their communities.

    Spearheaded by Dr Edward Buri and Mr Mbutu Kariuki of The Wellbeing Institute, the project is to achieve its goals by a well and carefully orchestrated mentorship programme guided by a very elaborate syllabus. The mentors are to be youth leaders in direct contact with the adolescents in the communities.

    Training for the first group of mentors, the Ngong Chapter, occurred on Friday 22nd September 2022 at New Life Church in Ngong. Conducted by Dr. Buri, the training began by introducing the initiative , the organisations behind it and the leaders and representatives of the latter.

    KenGen Foundation’s Managing Trustee, Anthony Igecha elaborately introduced KenGen and KenGen Foundation to all present, explaining its operations and why the Foundation chose to partner with the Wellbeing Institute on the project. Mr Mbutu Kariuki then took up the podium to talk on the goals and intended outcomes of the project, not sparing anyone of his wit and humor while at it. He also explained on methodology of implementation and Activity Excecution for the mentorship programme.

    Dr. Buri took the young mentors through the Activity Excecution of the project, sprinkling a few stories from his life and anecdotes of wisdom in between. He also went through the mentorship syllabus with the mentors and how to apply it while in the field.

    Hopes are high upon the commencement of the first phase of the project, but the work has only begun. The programme which covers areas of self love, talent discovery, life goals, money skills, environmental conservation, community contribution and “rolling up your sleeves” is set to grow into an intensive media campaign in the following months encompassing all forms of popular media; television, radio and social media. The whole project is to run over a period of 36 months from October 2022 and all aprties involved are enthusiastic that all milestones will be achieved within the stipulated time.

    Follow us on Twitter through @KenGen_Foundatn and like our Facebook page for more updates.

    Emmanuel Murgor,

    Communication Attachee


    KenGen PLC actively participates in the welfare of communities in and around the areas it works as part of its Corporate Social Investment strategy. The company believes every child has the right to education and wants to ensure education access to a maximum number of children.

    Through our educational initiatives, scholarship grants, and school infrastructure development projects, we ensure access to education, with a focus on learning outcomes and retention for Kenya’s future generation. KenGen offers support to schools for improving their infrastructure and also provides scholarships.

    Recently, the company took on the obligation of providing 250 beds for Inkoirienito Primary School in the Narok East Constituency through the KenGen Foundation on 22 September. The school was in desperate need of beds as majority of the boarders were sleeping on the floor.

    The school, which has a population of 862, is the only boarding primary school in the area with 416 pupils living on campus. It boasts one of the highest mean scores in the area from last year’s KCPE examinations, a remarkable 319 out of 500 marks. It has the highest population of pupils within the location with some of its boarders coming from as far as Nairobi County.

    KenGen Foundation contracted Numerical Machining Complex to make the double decker beds and had them delivered, with the school Head Teacher Mr. Simpiri Kudate, overseing the whole process. The donation of the beds was quite timely as schools resume for the last term of this year next week.

    KenGen lays great emphasis on creating a pool of trained, competent and patriotic manpower that will build a vibrant economy and transform this country into a middle-income economy by the year 2030.

    Through the KenGen Foundation, the company offers learning opportunities for bright but needy secondary school and university students from communities living around the Company’s power stations. Currently, the company is sponsoring more than 300 students in secondary schools and universities across the country.

    Follow us on Twitter through @KenGen_Foundatn and like our Facebook page for more updates.

    Emmanuel Murgor,

    Communication Attachee
